Sustainable fashion has become increasingly popular as more and more people are becoming aware of how many tonnes of fabric are ending up in our landfills each year. With so many opportunities to repurpose old clothing and turn it into something new, various brands have been working to become more sustainable.
What is Sustainable Fashion?
Sustainable fashion can be defined in many ways but it's generally clothing that's manufactured and brought to the market in the most sustainable way possible. This includes both socio-economic and environmental aspects.
There are a variety of ways in which a brand can work towards creating sustainable items, some of which include focusing on the transit, storage, marketing and recycling components of the product.
Sustainable fashion has become increasingly popular as more and more people are becoming aware of how many tonnes of fabric are ending up in our landfills each year. With so many opportunities to repurpose old clothing and turn it into something new, various brands have been working to become more sustainable.
Choosing Sustainable Brands:
Today there are more sustainable brands than ever before but many of us still gravitate towards what’s easy and convenient and that’s ‘fast fashion’ brands. Here are a few reasons why you should consider investing in items from brands that place a focus on sustainability:
- Quality = Less Waste - Fast fashion brands may be able to keep up with the latest trends but you won’t find high-quality pieces that will last you years to come! Sustainable brands focus on creating quality over quantity.
- It’s Better For You And The Planet - Many clothing items today are made with microplastics that not only impact the environment but also affect our health. Every time you wash those items, tiny pieces of plastic break from the fibre of the clothing and end up in our oceans, food and the water we drink.
- Help Those Who Need It - It’s no secret that fast fashion brands have the ability to keep the cost of clothing low but have you ever stopped to think about the people making the clothes? Many brands pay low wages to their workers or use children for labour. Sustainable and ethical brands hope to eliminate this issue by working with the consumer to change the way we make purchases and who we give our money to when buying new clothes.
Repurposing Used Clothing:

One of the easiest ways to embrace sustainable fashion is by repurposing used clothing. You can do this by thrifting new items of clothing from second-hand shops or cutting up old clothing, redesigning and sewing to create something new if you’re up for a challenge!
Toques From The Heart understands the need for sustainable fashion and has been repurposing donated hockey socks to create durable and warm toques for the homeless in Canada. With over 35,000 Canadians without a home on any given night, a toque can help them stay warm throughout our harsh winters.
Not only does this help from an environmental aspect but it also comes from a socio-economic standpoint by providing warmth to Canadians in need.
You can find the full story behind the toques here and visit our full range of products to find out how you can get involved!